Linked Questions

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3 answers

Why does image quality vary across lenses, and what to look for when comparing?

I just picked up a mint SMC Takumar 28mm f3.5 lens. From what I read people say it provides quite good image quality. And the things I read about my Canon T3 kit lens 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 IS, is that it ...
Scorb's user avatar
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What ultrafast 28 mm lens for nikon f mount offers the least compromises?

I've been looking into the wide angle range of lenses to get as close to the medium format look as possible, and the Zeiss Otus 28/1.4 was a reasonable starting point. After a test, however, I think ...
user55789's user avatar
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Focus of lens dropoff from center to ends [duplicate]

I have come across a couple lens manufacturers that mention that when a lens is focused such that the center of the FOV is well focused, the extreme ends of the FOV will be slightly defocused. What ...
simplename's user avatar

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