Linked Questions

-3 votes
3 answers

72 DPI or 300 DPI - Which Is Better For Web And Print Both? [duplicate]

Firstly, this may seem like a repetitive post. But please help me clear my doubt. It's based on my particular use case. I am making a website where images will be available on web, but they can also ...
WPgeek's user avatar
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2 answers

Are 72 dpi and 300 dpi images with the same resolution the same quality? [duplicate]

I have a lot of travel photos I was hoping to sell as downloadable prints on Etsy but do not know how the whole dpi thing works. When I click on the properties of my picture on my computer it says ...
Robin Leneghan's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What about DPI? [duplicate]

What about DPI when sizing to 2048 the long way? Mine are usually 300dpi but since FB (FaceBook) changes that to 72 dpi, would I be better off to change to 72 dpi myself before uploading? Thank you!
Ernie Misner's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How does the dpi setting affect the image exported from Lightroom [duplicate]

If I export an image from Lightroom (as a jpeg) I can specify to resize it to particular dimensions, or keep it as it is. But regardless of that there is also a dimension field as in dots per inch but ...
Paul Taylor's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Why does increasing the dpi of an image on export from Lightroom not increase the file size? [duplicate]

I have a Nikon D3300. RAW images are usually 25-28 MB at a resolution of 6000 x 4000. I exported from Lightroom at Quality: 100; DPI: 240. The exported JPEG turns ...
SamuraiJack's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to change camera settings (Nikon D40x) to a higher dpi? [duplicate]

I know increasing the size of the photo (S,M,L) does not affect the dpi, but refers only to the pixels. My camera shoots at 300 by default, but sometimes I want a crisper look when I get larger ...
Bobbie J's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Any reason not to set ALL photos to "300dpi"? [duplicate]

I run a site where multiple photographers upload and sell their photos to my users. Some of them just want to buy a JPEG, some of them want to buy a JPEG to print. You and I both know that a ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Optimal DPI Setting in Olympus OMD EM5 mii? [duplicate]

I had been using the default 350 dpi, but the resulting files are too small to sell to most stock photography sites online. For a standard print at 300dpi, they are great. A bit low for my metal art, ...
obtenebrix's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Photoshop changing the ppi of an image [duplicate]

I am trying to prepare a few of my images for printing purpose. I have never printed images before, so this is my first time. Most of my pictures are taken by a drone. The resolution says 3000x4000, ...
Dipanjan Pal's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Do high export resolutions compromise image safety? [duplicate]

I specialize in macro photography and I've recently begun to export in 300-350dpi, as I find it does a better job of representing details (crucial to my work). However the file size is small, eg. ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the best way to resize a high-DPI image for use on the web and in mobile apps? [duplicate]

I've been given an image (I'm guessing straight from a camera) and it's currently at at 240 pixels per inch. It's been a while since I did much Photoshop; I have three questions for two requirements: ...
Greg B's user avatar
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1 answer

Calculate the maximum DPI a camera can shoot [duplicate]

I am trying to determine at what DPI a certain camera can shoot, namely this model, however the technical specs at the official site do not give any details about it. Is there a way to calculate ...
Hayk's user avatar
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2 votes
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What my PPI should be set at for others to download my photos? [duplicate]

I sell my photos on Etsy for others to buy and download and I'm trying to figure out what I should set my PPI at and if I should resample when I do is all very confusing. I'm reading all ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

What does a client mean when they request 300 ppi pictures?

For an archaeological project, our client is requesting that all pictures taken should be in "300 ppi" (not 300 dpi). I'm having trouble understanding what it means. For now we have been ...
tonyduky's user avatar
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8 votes
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How do I make my image comply with the requirements of this photography competition?

I am participating in a photography competition. There is something that I want to ask you about: We may require the originals of the awarded photographs to be submitted by the relevant ...
ghena yousef's user avatar

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