Linked Questions

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3 answers

What is the Advantage of a macro lens compared to a macro tube? [duplicate]

I want to do some macro photography (plants, insects...) additionally to my landscape photography and now I am looking if it is more useful to just buy a macro tube to convert my existing lenses (a 18-...
LuZel's user avatar
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Suitable lens for macro photography with Nikon D90 [duplicate]

I own a Nikon D90 and use 18-105mm kit lens for my photography. I mostly shoot flowers and objects I can get close to. Some sample here: http://...
Shashi's user avatar
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7 answers

What am I losing when using extension tubes instead of a macro lens?

After playing around with macro photography on-the-cheap (read: reversed lens, rev. lens mounted on a straight lens, passive extension tubes), I would like to get further with this. The problems with ...
ysap's user avatar
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Can screw-on macro lenses produce decent results?

I was browsing Amazon looking at a few items and came across this: 4-piece Close-Up Macro Lens Kit - Included are +1, +2, +4 and +10 Close- Up Lenses. High-Quality lenses are diopters for close ...
L84's user avatar
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How important is auto focus and aperture control in a macro setup?

I'm thinking of starting some amateur macro photography, and I'm not sure I want to go with macro lenses, due to their price. I currently have the following lenses: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Canon EF ...
Miljenko Barbir's user avatar
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What does it mean when macro focus range and normal focus range are equal?

For an example, G3X's normal FR and macro FR are the same according to DPReview. So, what happens when shooting? Also what does it mean a camera's (FZ2000) normal FR is 30cm? (that means it can ...
user152435's user avatar
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Are there super-macro lenses for getting "inside"?

As a follow-on to the question How can one capture gun bore shots? I'm wondering how we can get a wide perspective inside a very small space. For example, I like this shot of a .45" barrel with a ...
feetwet's user avatar
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Should I get extension tubes or a close-up macro converter for macro photography?

I am using an Olympus EM-10 Mk2 with a Panasonic 20mm f/1.7, Olympus 45mm f/1.7 and 40-150mm. I cannot afford a good macro at the moment but really wish to get into macro photography. My choices for ...
zakgottlieb's user avatar
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What do I need for reversed-lens macro photography with an entry-level Nikon DSLR?

I am totally new in the photography field and I need an expert help. I need to take very close-up pictures at school lab (counting the hairs on ant's head, I know its strange) for insect and ants ...
nikola's user avatar
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Is it possible to do macro photography using canon EOS M100? [duplicate]

Can any lens be used along with an adapter to shoot macro using Canon EOS M100 ? Please guide me regarding this.
Chloritone_360's user avatar
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Sigma 70-300mm macro or nikon 55-200mm vr ii

I currently have a Nikon d3200 and am trying to decide between these two lenses. I understand the sigma can only manual focus on my camera. Im mostly looking to shoot wildlife , landscape or other far ...
Huntap's user avatar
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Is a diopter recommended for a 56mm lens?

I have a Sigma 56mm f/1.4 and Sony a6400. I'm looking into buying a diopter because it seems to be relatively cheap and can reduce the minimum focus distance while also zooming in, which I both want. ...
Sleepi's user avatar
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