Linked Questions

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5 answers

How does optical and digital zoom relate to the "W" and "T" zoom controls on my camera?

If W means "Wide Angle" and T means "Telephoto", then how does optical and digital zoom relate? Does W and T fulfill both ...
Varun Sharma's user avatar
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Why would lens be much longer than its focal length?

I accidentally saw Nikon 17-35mm f/2.8 lens and noted that it is rather large for its focal length. Here's the first review of this lens search offered - looks like it's 107 millimeters long. Given ...
sharptooth's user avatar
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What is the definition of focal length for a camera lens?

I came across many articles where the focal length of a camera lens is defined as the distance between the optical centre of the lens and the sensor. One such article is here: https://photographylife....
LumosMaxima's user avatar
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Inherited Canon lenses and ring flash — will this work with a new camera body?

Part of my dad's inheritance was a Canon 60D with a fair number of decent macro lenses. Since I've been slack trying to use it (it's been a year) my dear old mum is hinting that she might want it back....
Jorg's user avatar
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