I shoot with a Canon 700D and I've just bought myself a Sigma 105mm 2.8 Macro lens. I've been loving the new lens but one issue I have is that the depth of field in the live view on the camera's screen does not seem to be accurate. For example, if I change from f/2.8 to f/5.0, the depth of field on the screen doesn't seem to change at all, but when I actually take the photo, it's clear the the depth of field has increased.
I'm just wondering whether I should expect the depth of field to change on the live view as I change the aperture or if this is just something I have to work with? It kind of makes it hard to know what the outcome of my shot is going to be, which with macro can mean the difference between getting a shot of an insect and not (because it's gone by the time you evaluate the exposure and adjust the aperture).