what’s the best way for me to get my image management under control using light room 5. Provided I have two separate external drives with loads of folders and photos on each.
also i have a few shoots on my SD card i want to import.
Limited because i have only Mac book air to work with my hard drive is 128Gig, hence it seems best if my image files are stored across both external drives as copies for redundancy.
what should my work flow look like and what would i require for future imports and working with any of my images in LR. will i need both hard drives attached to my laptop to use the images? Would I be able to work on images on my laptop while not connected- this would be ideal?
(I read enough to know the catalogue should also be backed up, like images)
Edit. I have two drives with different images. An alternative I think may work better is making the two external drive have all my images hence providing redundancy. Then import all images from one drive. I can keep a months shoots on my local drive and move images monthly to the external drives. All the while being able to edit with full features - any downsides here?