There are some in-depth answers on the topic of color profiles including this one by jrista, but it all makes my head spin, and I suspect I'm not alone. I'd like to ask a question that will hopefully relieve new digital photographers who are looking to share some of their work on the web:
What settings should we use in Photoshop so that our colors will be satisfyingly consistent across multiple devices?
A web search has suggested that we do the following:
- Edit > Color Settings... > Working Spaces > RGB > sRGB
- Edit > Color Settings... > Working Spaces > Color Management Policies > set all three to Preserve
- View > Proof Setup > Monitor RGB
- View > Proof Colors > On
It would save a lot of frustration if someone could confirm that this will get us newbies on the right track for showcasing our work on screen or tell us if there is something else we should be concerned about.