I've discovered spots on the image sensor of my DSLR camera that cannot be cleaned using a blower bulb, so I would like to know the risk of problems, such as further image deterioration or damage to the sensor or low-pass filter, associated with wet cleaning the image sensor. Just how high (or low) is the risk? Is this a difficult task to perform?
The products I expect to use are as follows:
- Visible Dust Swabs for 1.5-1.6x Sensor - Green Series (12-Pack)
- Visible Dust VDust Plus Formula Solution
In my research, I have also found the following products, for which there is a greater degree of trust because the manufacturer guarantees against sensor damage when used properly:
- Photographic Solutions Sensor Swab Type 2 (12-Pack)
- Photographic Solutions Eclipse Optic Lens Cleaning Solution
Additionally, the reviews are generally positive, so is it worth it?
My biggest concern at this point is further staining or residue from the cleaning process. How likely is this going to affect image quality, and would it be worse compared to the dust or other contaminants?