I have few photos - JPEGs from smartphone, RGB, 8 bit per channel. Nature, landscapes. I want to edit them.
Before editing I will convert JPEGs to TIFFs. I will use TIFF, RGB, 8 bit per channel.
During editing some TIFFs I will crop. I will make color correction in GIMP - Curves.
Next step I will make JPEGs and will publish them in my blog. TIFFs I will store on computer and external HDD for future usage.
During editing TIFFs I want to use LZW compression. For TIFFs storage I want to use LZW compression too.
I see the following benefit of LZW compression for TIFFs - file size of TIFF with LZW compression is smaller in compare with file size of TIFF without LZW compression.
Does any other benefits of LZW compression for TIFFs exists?
Does any limitations of using LZW compression for TIFFs exists?
Does any technical problems, weak points, danger, maybe some technical incompatibility around LZW compression in TIFFs during editing and storing exists?