I've been wanting to focus more on photography for quite some time now, so I decided that it may be a good idea to incorporate photography into my ( freelance web and writing ) business - And, to take myself more seriously as a creator.
The problem is, when it comes to photography I'm a complete beginner and have no specific focus when it comes to what I want to photograph. Therefore, anything I set up online would look more like a "photos of my life" gallery rather than a portfolio of anything that would attract a specific following. And to be honest, this is fine at the moment.
I found this ( https://www.blipfoto.com ) website which encourages you to upload a photo a day, and as you can imagine the photos are quite random - even by established and professional photographers like https://www.blipfoto.com/maxellis?p=9.
I'd like to do something similar - Although I'm more farmiliar with sites like DeviantArt and would really like to get used to using Instagram - But would you recommend using a non-personal or non-business name if it's not specifically going to be beneficial to you in a professional sense.
Any thoughts.