Having created my first gigapixel panorama, I discovered that Lightroom cannot import an image that big. The error message is completely clear about that, it says:
The file is too big. (1)
Now, all my images are cataloged in Lightroom, in a single master catalog (although smaller ones are used temporarily while travelling), so this is the only place they are rated and keyworded. Also if I am looking for images, I simply use Filters in Lightroom. So, any image not cataloged in Lightroom is not likely to be seen again.
Is there a best practice to handle images that Lightroom cannot import? Some plugin maybe or some meta-indexer that can lookup in the Lightroom catalog and more?
Currently, my hack to avoid forgetting about the image was to make a scaled down version with an obvious image like HugePano_Downscaled.jpg
and import that one. Hopefully I will notice the name and it will remind me that there is a high-resolution version of it.