I'm curious to know how to achieve the high contrast look of Thierry Le Gouès' Soul album (please note: images are NSFW). I know this is probably done in post but I would like to know if there is a particular technique or maybe even an online tutorial to achieve this look.
1 Answer
I do not know the details, but do not underestimate the power of makeup.
Normally this kind of photos have a lot of pre-production work.
Just a tip, "back in the days" of film photography there was a film called "lith" for example Kodak's Kodalith, that produced a totally contrasted image, with almost no middle tones. This is not the case because you can see clearly gray tones. What you have is a super glossy oily makeup with some good softboxes reflection.
\$\begingroup\$ You mean this film? The samples aren't as contrasty as you say though, I wonder why. Never tried it myself. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 17, 2020 at 4:51