When I convert my photos from Adobe RGB colorspace to sRGB for browsers, the color slightly changes and I’m bothered by it. I know that sRGB covers a smaller space of colors so I won’t get an exact same result after conversion, but I still wonder if there is a way to get better results.
Of course it’s not a problem in cases when I start with converting and do the retouch afterwards, but many cases I either don’t want to do anything with the photos or forget to change the colorspace. So I would like to know if it can be converted without any noticable change, or should I just get used to it?
I used (Photoshop CS5) “Edit -> Convert to Profile”, I tried both Relative and Absolute Colorimetric, I checked all the boxes at the bottom (“Use Dither” and such). I also tried without those boxes checked, but it resulted almost the same, only a bit worse.
I already read the answers for How do color spaces like sRGB and Adobe RGB overlap?, but changing to 16 bits/channel didn’t help either.