I have a Nikon D90 camera with DX lens. It started to give some trouble when taking pictures.
When I set a focus and press the button to take it, it makes a single sound, but does not take a picture. When I press it again, then it completes taking the picture, but the picture that is takes is half black.
I have uploaded the pictures at https://i.sstatic.net/EnRmp.jpg
I took it to a Camera shop(Nikon authorized shop) and they told me that the shutter is tilted and cannot be fixed. The Camera is gone and cannot be used further. They started giving me options to buy D3500 and D5600 telling me that they are on sale.
I have also uploaded the image of my camera shutter https://i.sstatic.net/EnRmp.jpg
Can someone please confirm if there are no hopes of getting my camera shutter fixed?
What are my options?
Thank you very much