I've got a 27" 2.8 i7 iMac. I recently moved from iPhoto to Aperture for managing my photos, and am not all that happy with the performance.
With a bit of diagnosis, I've seen that 4GB RAM doesn't really seem to be enough - I'm getting lot of virtual memory page outs. I'm going to go ahead and upgrade to 8GB.
Would moving my Aperture library onto an external firewire hard disk improve performance? It seems like FW800 is fast enough to cope with modern hard drives.
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=firewire+800 http://www.storagereview.com/php/benchmark/bench_sort.php
I'd love to hear experiences from anyone who has tried this, and anyone else who has some good advice for improving Aperture performance in general.