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Merlin's user avatar
Merlin's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
1 vote

How to distinguish a photo from camera and an image from Paint/Photoshop?

1 vote

Digitally retouching over exposed areas of a photograph that are almost entirely white?

0 votes

Help with Adobe Lightroom( red, green and purple lines on exported photo)

0 votes

What's causing this blow-out of neon lights? (SL2 vs a7c)

0 votes

How do I get vibrant red tones in film simulation/presets?

0 votes

Understanding the lighting on Peter Lippmann's noble rot series

0 votes

Do you know a lightroom vintage preset for portraits?

0 votes

Implementing a mobile editing workflow

0 votes

Why prefer the 18-55mm and 55-250mm lenses vs 18-200mm?

0 votes

Is the camera sensor or the lens the limit to resolution?

0 votes

Is Evaluative metering exposing the scene to 18% gray?

0 votes

Weeding out duplicate Photos in a submission based photo contest

0 votes

What are some tips to improve this product photo?

-1 votes

Does the Nikon D5100 have true auto bracketing and how do I use it?

-1 votes

How to export to 500px from Lightroom?

-1 votes

Pixel: Any camera app to stack subject and background into the same JPG, so that both appear sharp?

-1 votes

How do I eliminate lens flare in my pictures?

-1 votes

Why do phone cameras have "oil painting" like effect on human skin?