Opensource enthusiast and advocate since the late '90s.
My personal computers run 100% Linux since 2000 (Kubuntu since 2005-2010) as well as my professional laptop since 2019 (at last !).
I was trained to Unix and Minix during my engineer learning curriculum in the early '90s.
Photographer and former member of the Piwigo development team (, a photo gallery developed in PHP at a time when online photo gallery almost didn't existed. All my photography related software is still opensource.
I still code in Bash script. I did some Perl and some groovy (Freeplane plugins). I now code in Lua (Darktable plugins and Pandoc filters) and finally started to find my way in the LaTeX and TikZ jungle. Markdown -> (Pandoc+Lua+LaTeX&Co) -> PDF is the best document workflow ever.