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Lowell Montgomery's user avatar
Lowell Montgomery's user avatar
Lowell Montgomery
  • Member for 6 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
5 votes

What does 2500 pixels on the long dimension mean?

3 votes

Using copied pictures for website

2 votes

What is the antonym of "feathering" in lighting?

2 votes

6d Mark ii dark image issues

2 votes

Why does my Canon dSLR screen go black after taking two photos?

1 vote

Canon EOS M not recording

1 vote

Japanese camera and lens naming conventions

1 vote

Are third party DSLR batteries significantly less reliable than the official ones?

1 vote

Are there any significant post-processing benefits of migrating from Lightroom 4 to the last standalone iteration (Lightroom 6)?

1 vote

Is there an easy way to tell the size of an image circle a lens has?

1 vote

How do take or edit facial photos to show clear skin without losing fine detail?

1 vote

How did I get I this flare in my photo with the sun in the frame shot with my phone camera?

1 vote

Before printing: manual vs printer resizing?

0 votes

Should i buy a lens or a new camera?

0 votes

Why do Photoshop, InDesign, Pixelmator Pro, and Mac Pages all "smooth" my digital photos on export to PDF (how achieve best print preparation)?

0 votes

Calculate camera tilt angle from 2D image

0 votes

Snapbridge and D500 were working with Bluetooth image transfers to my iPhone. Now not working

0 votes

Can Nikon D5600 wifi connect directly to a PC or Mac computer?

0 votes

Identify old Fuji film from 1987

0 votes

If I push film can I keep all other settings such as aperture and shutter speed the same or do I have to change them as well in some way?

0 votes

Left strip of image has different lighting than the rest of the image

0 votes

How can I consolidate keyword hierarchies in Lightroom?

0 votes

What is license of a combined/derived image from CC0 sources?

0 votes

What camera should I buy as a first year animation student?

0 votes

Can a pre-DSLR Nikkor lens be used with ControlMyNikon for taking focus stacking shots?

0 votes

Image quality criteria in low light

0 votes

Why don't semi-automatic modes on a DSLR take flash into account when calculating exposure?

0 votes

Is replacing all my Fujifilm gear with this Canon zoom lens an upgrade?

0 votes

Is there an adapter to allow a camera to control focus or aperture of a manual focus & aperture lens?

0 votes

Film Rewinded at 26 exposures, but film is 36 exposure