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chills42's user avatar
chills42's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
5 votes

Why are my night photographs always blurry?

4 votes

Is there development in the world of lenses?

4 votes

What is the average lifetime of lenses, specially L lenses

4 votes

How do I achieve these golden/reddish Indian wedding effects using Lightroom 3?

4 votes

What is the green tinge in my photo?

4 votes

How to open RAW photos?

4 votes

Canon Powershot TX1 LCD color issue

4 votes

What options do I have for a normal and fast prime lens for a Canon APS-C camera?

4 votes

What is the fastest lens available for a DSLR?

4 votes

How can I validate my monitor's color calibration?

4 votes

Does the Canon Powershot A series have an orientation sensor?

4 votes

Performance of Sigma 85mm F1.4 EX DGM on Canon 60D

4 votes

What do I need to get photos with a unifom black background (not with post)?

4 votes

What was my flash power?

4 votes

Is a Canon 450D to Canon 1D Mk 2 upgrade worthwhile?

4 votes

What are the key things to think about when photographing jewelry?

4 votes

What is the best photographic editing tool for iPad?

4 votes

Cleaning a sticky DSLR lens

4 votes

How do you identify the Common or Latin names of your subjects?

4 votes

Methods/experiences using Amazon S3 to store photos

4 votes

How does the Nikon D40 decide which focus location to use?

4 votes

Are there new digital cameras that my old zoom lenses from my analog Yashica camera will fit?

4 votes

Is it possible to take silhouette photos with Nikon CoolPix S70?

4 votes

"EVIL" Camera Capabilities

4 votes

How should a DSLR camera, lens, and battery be stored?

4 votes

Why is Adaptive Dynamic Range incompatible with ISO Expansion?

4 votes

Are there reasons to use colour filters with digital cameras?

4 votes

Photographic techniques to avoid chromatic aberration?

4 votes

Is the Zone System useful with a DSLR?

4 votes

What are some precautions to consider when using HMIs?

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