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Goat's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
6 votes

Can an off-centre AF point be as sharp/sensitive as a centre AF point?

6 votes

Hand-Held Gimbal vs Image Stabilization

4 votes

Why is ISO counted as part of the exposure triangle?

3 votes

Which of these two metrics is a good measurement of sharpness?

2 votes

Why do SLRs and DSLRs use different flash gels?

2 votes

What would be a better lens, 40 or 50mm prime, for walk around?

2 votes

What lens should a traveller buy?

2 votes

Is photo sharpness different at different sizes?

2 votes

Life expectancy of an electronic shutter

1 vote

Does image stabilization counter shutter shock?

1 vote

Why are some portraits so sharp and others not

1 vote

Buying a Nikon DSLR Camera body only, is a 35mm and 55-200mm lens enough for most cases?

1 vote

Cheap reliable GPS Unit for geotagging

1 vote

Best lens to photograph a large flat object

1 vote

Sensor hangs loose in the body when camera is switched off

1 vote

Sharpening a portrait with PS Elements

0 votes

Are these too grainy to be salvaged?

0 votes

I need a recommendation on FX telephoto zoom lenses

0 votes

Does crop factor affect exposure time?

0 votes

How do I select a lens to photograph insects?

0 votes

50mm vs 85mm for portraits on a crop sensor?

0 votes

Which print medium has the highest dynamic range?

0 votes

Would APS-C be better for shooting wildlife?

-1 votes

Since the speed of light is so high, why does shutter speed even matter?

-1 votes

Are there industry standards or specs for image sensor resistance to damage from intense light?

-5 votes

Do I use the crop factor in calculating aperture size and area?