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osullic's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
93 votes

Why can't I see any images on the roll of film that I've removed from my camera?

83 votes

Is it worth trying to process film shot in 1989? (Fall of the Berlin Wall)

39 votes

What focal length of glasses is best for photography?

34 votes

Can I use my work photos on my personal website?

23 votes

Any cameras move the sensor instead of lens elements for focus?

21 votes

Can I still use film after the film door accidentally opened?

20 votes

Why should we be interested at incident metering?

19 votes

Do I have to shoot a whole film roll on the same ISO?

19 votes

Why the color is different in two pictures in similar conditions and setting?

16 votes

What is an efficient way to digitize a family photo collection?

16 votes

How can I print a 3840×2160 pixel image on 4″×6″?

15 votes

How long can a 35mm film be used/stored before it starts to lose its quality after expiry?

14 votes

Why do my mobile phone images have a ghostly glow?

14 votes

What does a client mean when they request 300 ppi pictures?

13 votes

Is it possible to identify where this photo was taken?

13 votes

How does a film camera perform exposure compensation?

11 votes

What should I look for in a film to take photos in India?

11 votes

Is it normal business practice for a contest site to solicit submissions and then, later, ask for a fee?

11 votes

Why is there a straight line across each 35mm photo (taken with Noblex swing lens panoramic)?

11 votes

My negative is completely black and opaque — is this a camera problem, my mistake, or the lab's?

11 votes

Is it possible to install a filter (or remove one) in a Noblex camera without wasting/exposing film?

10 votes

How did this note "19/65 21/90 22/130" help previous owner of this old Zenit 12XP film camera?

10 votes

Aperture priority on Canon EOS 55 shows underexposured

10 votes

What happens if anti-reflective coating is fully ruined or removed from lens' most outer surface?

9 votes

Where does the term "Say Cheese" come from?

9 votes

Why is my 2 second long exposure shot overexposed?

9 votes

Pictures uploaded to Facebook display wrong colors, but only in Firefox

9 votes

What should I look for in a swing-lens panoramic camera?

9 votes

PNG files in photography workflow

8 votes

Should Kodak Vision 500T film be used with ISO 400 or 800?

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