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16 votes

Why don't Exif tags contain time zone information?

EXIF v2.31 (p49) defined time-zone offset fields in 2016 and the XMP time-zone guidelines (p33-34) also consider time-zones. The implementation in cameras and programs is rather minimalist at the ...
aXeL-HH's user avatar
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9 votes

Why don't Exif tags contain time zone information?

CIPA DC- 008 is the standard for Exif 2.2. Of note it makes no mention of "timezone." "GMT" is also not mentioned either. The term "UTC" does appear but only specifies the GPS time is recorded as such....
PhotoScientist's user avatar
8 votes

How (the heck) did NASA photographer Joel Kowsky take this amazing photograph of the International Space Station transiting the Sun?

I've actually done this myself. The first time I was not successful. The second time I was successful. Considerations There are a few things that go into this. Planning -- finding a transit near ...
Tim Campbell's user avatar
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Correct timestamps after the fact

ExifTool is my go-to tool for time-shifting photos. Assuming Windows, to add 1 hour to all date/time fields stored in the photo metadata: ...
Kyle's user avatar
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7 votes

What do you do with your camera clock time in relation to time zones?

With regards to EXIF v2.31 (p49) time-zone integration (2016) and XMP time-zone guidelines (p34) it might make sense to look at this problem once more. Local time is important especially in the human-...
aXeL-HH's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it possible to get the time a photo was taken (timezone-aware)?

Unfortunately not. Most cameras only have a 'dumb' timezone-ignorant clock. You do of course also have no guarantee that the clock is set right, so the timestamp in the EXIF data may be wrong anyway, ...
jarnbjo's user avatar
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4 votes

Why am I required to input the date and time on D5100 after charging the battery?

The Nikon D5100 uses a rechargeable internal clock battery. It should have enough charge to give you 3 months to charge the main battery. A main battery that is almost completely empty, should also ...
Orbit's user avatar
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4 votes

Is It Possible To Achieve a Time Lapse Over Several Months Using a Canon 70D Without Leaving the Camera

Yes, it is possible. The ideal case would be if it was visible from your home so that you can leave a tripod stationary and just attach the camera when you need to. If the construction site is ...
K. Minkov's user avatar
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3 votes

Time zone camera clock was set for does not match GPS timezone

I have seen ... which tell me that there is no way to set the time zone in the EXIF tag. How should I proceed here? The most expedient solution is to change the date-time tag to the local time of the ...
xiota's user avatar
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3 votes

Why am I required to input the date and time on D5100 after charging the battery?

Most cameras have a capacitor or internal battery that keeps the clock and settings active while the battery is being changed. If the camera is left with a dead battery for a very long time, the ...
xiota's user avatar
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3 votes

How are reference developing times determined?

It is closely related to the determination of B&W film speed, which is specified in the standards ISO 6 and ISO 2240 and based on sensiometric density and contrast measurements of the negative. ...
jarnbjo's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I take a timelapse on a Gopro Hero 5?

Yes, you can swipe in from the right to select shoot modes. Timelapse is an option and you can even select how often it shoots a frame.
Brendan Burkett's user avatar
2 votes

Is It Possible To Achieve a Time Lapse Over Several Months Using a Canon 70D Without Leaving the Camera

Short answer: Yes. Longer answer: Make sure you shoot with the same focal length (and - even better - using same lens). You'll have to note a couple of points in order to shoot the same frame (f.e. ...
Zenit's user avatar
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Is there any hope for Exif TimeZoneOffset as a standard?

As of 2020, this field is part of the standard (2.31, published 2016) and in practical use. See also this answer:
lxgr's user avatar
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2 votes

Where is capture time recorded in images from the Snapcam Lite wearable camera?

I'd suggest saving the timestamp directly into the file metadata. You can do this and rename an entire directory with a single exiftool command. Try this: ...
StarGeek's user avatar
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2 votes

How to precisely time tag DSLR shot?

This question has sort of already been asked. You can determine if the time in the Exif is the time when the shutter opens or when it closes (when it opens makes things a bit simpler because you won'...
xenoid's user avatar
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2 votes

Display .png file name as the text in the image corner

If you do not insist very much for opensource and you will agree with free software you can use XnView MP. Open in Browser mode Select images Ctrl+U (batch convert) For action select Image->Text ...
Romeo Ninov's user avatar
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2 votes

Suspect photograph timestamp data has been altered

Not an expert in iPhone EXIF data, but a few things to check: GPS time and other attributes In my camera, if the picture has GPS coordinates, it also has a GPS time stamp (than can differ slightly ...
xenoid's user avatar
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2 votes

Time zone camera clock was set for does not match GPS timezone

You can manually change the date and time for the photos after uploading to google photos (under the info tab). Then your local library and Google Photos will have the same date/time organization, ...
Steven Kersting's user avatar
1 vote

Battery care and time resets?

A lot of cameras use lithium button cell batteries for memory (like the Canon 60D/5D, Sony CyberShot still and VX video models, etc). Some are user replaceable; some require service (or more involved ...
Steven Kersting's user avatar
1 vote

Suspect photograph timestamp data has been altered

All photo metadata can be falsified by someone who really wants to do it. Standards like C2PA are working to fix this, but it will be a long time before all devices use their standards to put signed ...
Brendan Quinn's user avatar
1 vote

How to precisely time tag DSLR shot?

With the Canon cameras I have used, the EXIF info includes several fields labeled 'Subsec Time', 'Subsec TimeOriginal', and 'Subsec TimeDigitized'. These fields do not appear to be in the Maker notes ...
Michael C's user avatar
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How to precisely time tag DSLR shot?

Your question got me to wondering, so: There is an official Nikon product GPS Unit GP-1 and 1A that plugs into many (not all) Nikons to provide GPS metadata, GP-1. There are also several 3rd party ...
user10216038's user avatar
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How to precisely time tag DSLR shot?

Place a precise and accurate clock in the field of view of the camera.
ths's user avatar
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1 vote

Why am I required to input the date and time on D5100 after charging the battery?

There is usually an internal battery/capacitor that helps maintain small bits of information like date time and location. Most likely this battery is dead and causing you to re-enter the information. ...
shobhit chaudhry's user avatar
1 vote

Where is capture time recorded in images from the Snapcam Lite wearable camera?

(The following solution is for a Linux Machine. However for other OS, one can something similar in spirit: SAVE your metadata before moving the images anywhere from the MicroSD) Using this command ...
Inspired_Blue's user avatar
1 vote

What do you do with your camera clock time in relation to time zones?

I understand this is primarily an old thread but I think there is a newer issue, or perhaps I'm missing an obvious solution, I travel a lot, and there are two priorities for my pictures: (1) I want to ...
royanderson's user avatar
1 vote

How to shift EXIF date/time created by time in days, hours, minutes?

There is this great software for all Batch editing needs called "Faststone Image Viewer" At first, select your images, open Tools → Change Timestamp. You can choose either change File timestamp OR ...
Eugenijus S.'s user avatar
1 vote

How to shift EXIF date/time created by time in days, hours, minutes?

I just used the free version of Exif Date Changer for this and it worked like a charm. Friendly and simple UI, everything works as expected.
Erwin Mayer's user avatar
1 vote

How to shift EXIF date/time created by time in days, hours, minutes?

Attribute Changer, a utility for Windows, can edit dates file was created, edited, accessed and also taken. Select your files in explorer, right click and there it is. Has nice offset settings.
marvinthegreat's user avatar

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