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Should lenses be stored without their caps inside a dry cabinet?

Light is only beneficial for inhibiting the growth of fungi if it contains ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths. The primary source of UV light among common light sources encountered most places is sunlight. ...
Michael C's user avatar
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3 votes

Should lenses be stored without their caps inside a dry cabinet?

Although it's a good idea, it's not necessary per se. Some climates are more favourable for fungi that will nest in lenses. Especially in very humid climates it would be beneficial to control the air ...
timvrhn's user avatar
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How much Silica Gel should I put on my Drybox?

The calculator found here ( indicates that you need 5g of silica gel. That being said, even distribution will help remove ...
OnBreak.'s user avatar
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What do I need to look out for while shooting in a steam-filled bathroom?

This is similar to shooting in the rain. Splashing water can ruin your equipment if it's not weather sealed. The temperature of the water doesn't matter. As long as it's not boiling hot, it's ...
juhist's user avatar
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Should lenses be stored without their caps inside a dry cabinet?

I store lenses I am not regularly using in the fridge, sealed in plastic bags that contain a desiccant. I've no proof this helps but for sure, fungus will grow slower at lower temperatures. I live in ...
Van Eden's user avatar
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Safe Deposit Boxes & Dehumidifiers

If you are concerned about fire, it is prudent to store flammable materials in a fireproof box. If you are in an area prone to flooding, you might consider keeping your film and photographs offsite (...
xiota's user avatar
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Lens Fungus - how to prevent it while actively using the lens in humid environment and remove it if you already have it?

As a broad, sweeping statement - Silica Gel actually works very well... The trick is to keep drying it out in the oven - its water adsorption is reversible. You can get gel with an indicator - ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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1 vote

Lens Fungus - how to prevent it while actively using the lens in humid environment and remove it if you already have it?

The answer to your question, as written, is that there is no solution. You've specifically eliminated the two most effective ways for suppressing the growth of fungus: lack of dust and humidity (...
Michael C's user avatar
  • 176k

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