24 votes

Licensing/copyright of an image hosted on Flickr's static CDN?

I managed to find it using this guide: In summary: The number before the first _ is the photoID Append this to ...
Lee's user avatar
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8 votes

Whose permission do I need to feature photographs for analysis on my web site?

So who exactly do I have to get permisssion from to use photos froma shoot Simply, the person who owns the rights to the image(s) under question. The vast majority of the time, and absent ...
scottbb's user avatar
  • 32.7k
3 votes

Licensing/copyright of an image hosted on Flickr's static CDN?

@atomheels's answer is great (I'm glad to learn about the photoID URL hack). Here's how I found the answer: Perform a Google "Search by Image". The ...
scottbb's user avatar
  • 32.7k
2 votes

Do storefront signs appearing in a photo constitute fair use?

IANAL, but I think it'd depend on how you use the photo. If your photo just happens to include someone's sign because it was there in the scene, that should be fine. Many cities have signs that have ...
Caleb's user avatar
  • 31.7k
1 vote

Do storefront signs appearing in a photo constitute fair use?

"Fair use" is mainly a US concept that does not really exist in this way in all countries, so I am not answering the substantive question in terms of "fair use". Relevant concepts ...
wonderbear's user avatar

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