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GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is an open source, and freely distributed piece of software used for photo manipulation and retouching.

2 votes

Double exposure photo with Gimp

So, for those interested: On the left: overlaying images with 50% opacity in sRGB space, ignoring gamma (this was the only option in Gimp before 2.9). … The result does not reflect the real double exposure effect On the right: the same, but using the linear light mode (only possible in Gimp 2.9 and later and is not the default mode. professional apps …
szulat's user avatar
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7 votes

Gimp perspective tool is not actually transforming

That's because you inadvertently selected the "Perspective Clone" tool instead of "Perspective".
szulat's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does GIMP increase the size of exported JPEG files?

It seems that GIMP is not able to guess the appropriate compression settings for your photos and artificially boosts the "quality". …
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