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Street photography is a type of documentary photography that features subjects in candid situations within public places such as streets, parks, beaches, malls, political conventions and other settings.

1 vote

How to decide what's interesting enough to be photographed while traveling?

Here's a different opinion: don't think about traveling. Think of it as a new opportunity to capture interesting moments and tell stories. I typically bucket my shots into 2 categories: Documenting …
Ray Shan's user avatar
  • 153
1 vote

Would the 40mm pancake or 50mm prime be better for street photography with a Canon APS-C cam...

The human eye is somewhere between 35mm and 50mm. Street photography masters like Henri Cartier-Bresson built their entire careers on 35mm and 50mm because these focal lengths resemble the human eye. …
Ray Shan's user avatar
  • 153