I tried reading [this thread ][1] about histograms, but couldn't understand it well enough to answer this question. I took some shots yesterday where the main peak of my Histogram was actually off the chart. The histogram had one large peak and most everything else was very low. I was wondering what exactly this means, and if it something bad(I expect that it is) how I can avoid this in the future. Thanks. EDIT: Here is the Histogram in question <img src="https://i.sstatic.net/vS08a.png" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /> and the image can be found [here.][2] Edit 2: I altered the photo, so the link is taking into account Jrista's excellent suggestions. This histogram no longer corresponds to this photo. [1]: http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/450/how-and-why-do-you-use-an-image-histogram [2]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bbischof/4939040919/lightbox/