[From an answer to a different question][1] about the moon missions,

> for the Apollo mission images, the camera and lens information is [well documented][2]. The still photos taken by the lunar module team were taken exclusively by Hasselblad cameras modified to accept 70 mm film backs, 1:1 image ratio, with 60mm Zeiss Metric lenses.

* [_Photography Equipment and Techniques, A Survey of NASA Developments_][3], 1972. 

From NASA's history page, [Astronaut Still Photography During Apollo][2],

> Five more flights landed on the Moon after Apollo 11. On all, the photographic equipment and films were similar to that taken on the first landing. On Apollo 15, the 250mm telescopic lens was added to the Hasselblad lunar surface complement.

See also the wonderful history.nasa.gov resources,

* [Apollo Flight Journal][4]
* [Apollo Lunar Surface Journal][5], such as the [Apollo 11 Hasselblad Cameras][6] page.

  [1]: https://photo.stackexchange.com/a/75692
  [2]: https://history.nasa.gov/apollo_photo.html
  [3]: https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/apollo.photechnqs.pdf
  [4]: https://history.nasa.gov/afj/index.html
  [5]: https://history.nasa.gov/alsj/
  [6]: https://history.nasa.gov/alsj/a11/a11-hass.html