My main focus area in photography is dance; and at that mostly social dancing.

This usually means: 

1. spontaneaous action, no way to stage anything or prepare beyond being "in the moment and very observant" 
1. low light and no flash allowed
1. being unobtrusive to not disturb the dancers

And it also means:

1. difficult choices when selecting how to take pictures, like, for example: motion blur (½ s) vs. as short exposures as possible (usually 1/60 or 1/90s)
1. prime lenses with very wide aperture, but very thin focus planes

And there's probably more.

What I am looking for is inspiration in the form of

* photographers who also specialize in dance photography
* articles that talk about these "extreme" conditions
* groups/forums to exchange ideas or have pictures looked over by the like-minded
* any "unusual" pieces of advice that might not be obvious or would be overlooked by someone without years of experience.