We have two good questions that are similar to this [this question][1] discusses how good monopods are. And [this one][2] talks about tripods under $100. The second was the inspiration for this question.

I am looking for some possibilities for monopods with good stability for Canon XXXD class cameras with mid size telephotos like [70-200's][3] under $100. 

An added feature which would be ideal, is the ability to use the monopod as a hiking staff or walking stick. 

A friend of mine also mentioned to me that he knew of a tripod which disassembled into two walking sticks and a third part. If you have any information on this, I would be very interested.

  [1]: http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/3015/how-good-is-a-monopod
  [2]: http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/3745/tripod-for-upto-100
  [3]: http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/3489/special-care-for-telephotos