> **Possible Duplicate:**  
> [What options are there for good, cheap online backup of data?](http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/8595/what-options-are-there-for-good-cheap-online-backup-of-data)  

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Prior to 2012 I'd been shooting jpg files and uploading them to Phanfare.com (which allows unlimited storage of various file formats (jpg, tiff, . . .)) for online storage and sharing. In 2012 I began shooting in RAW only.  Phanfare charges extra for RAW files and requires that both jpg+RAW files be uploaded together.  Since I didn't shoot jpg+RAW in 2012 and to keep from losing image data, I decided to export tiff files from Lightroom 3 and then upload these to Phanfare.  However, this didn't work.  I soon realized that each tiff files was much bigger than its corresponding RAW files.  I also found out that Phanfare limits image file sizes to 20MB, which explains why tiff uploading wasn't working. What then are my options for online storage w/o data loss as occurs with jpg files?  

I know nothing about file compression, but I'm anticipating that as a possible solution.  Is compression of tiff files an option to stay below the 20MB limit if I using a 15 or 20 megapixel dSLR camera followed by development adjustments in LR3?  Will we be able to view the compressed images on Phanfare?  What's involved if I lose my local files (internal and external hard drive failures) and have to restore them from an online storage site like Phanfare--i.e., what's involved in restoring w/ compressed tiff files--assuming that's an option?