This was of some interest to me because I have been getting the horizontal bars, so I did a lot of research and some testing. My camera has a nominal sync speed of 1/200 and I am using Britek PS-200 and PS-250 strobes which have a flash duration of 1/1500s. My interest was because I noticed a significant difference when firing just one strobe with a radio trigger and using the built-in optical slaves on the others against having radio receivers on all of the strobes.

I did some testing and worked out that my curtain speed (the time from the curtain starting its travel to the time it finishes) is about 3.7ms, which allows just 1.3ms of the shutter being fully open for the flash to trigger, at a shutter speed of 1/200, before the rear curtain starts moving. I'm assuming that the camera triggers the flash immediately after the front curtain is fully open.

This means that, if my trigger mechanism induces a delay of more than 1.3ms, the rear curtain will have started moving before one or more of the strobes has fired. Although most radio and optical systems don't induce this kind of lag, if you use (as I did) a radio trigger on a master strobe and then optical slaves on the rest, the lag is compounded, and I occasionally found I was getting the black bars at 1/200 shutter speed. The weird thing is that it is not consistent and I have no explanation for that. I can fix the problem by using all radio triggers or dropping the shutter speed down to 1/160 or slower.

By the way, the significance of me mentioning the flash duration for my strobes is that, when using the shutter speeds close to your sync speed and if your strobe has a long duration - some have up to 1/500s or more - it is almost certain that the rear curtain will start closing before the strobe has finished firing. Instinctively, I would expect this to cause somewhat graded exposure across the image. My strobes have a fairly fast flash duration and I haven't noticed this effect but has anyone run across this?