I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab S that I use to capture geotagged photos.  The Android application GPS Essentials is used to collect the images and GPS Essentials names the images with the Date and time (160728-131554.jpg).
For this example the capture date and time are correctly written as the image name.

I am using Python and the Python Image Library to read and print the various EXIF information and noticed that the EXIF time is recorded as 16:11:12 while the file name and the correct capture time is 13:15:54.  

**Why is the EXIF time not the same as the local time?**

This image was captured during Pacific Daylight Savings Time.   I would understand if the EXIF was recording Greenwich time but that would be a 7 hour difference and not a 3hr and 56 min difference.

Please help me understand the difference between the two times.