I have often been thwarted by condensation when an outdoor grab-shot opportunity presents itself. The only cure I know is to wait for the glass to warm up. My question is, what can I do to hasten the process?

 - Should I put the camera in direct sunlight? I wouldn't with film, but what about digital?
 - Should I remove the lens so that the rear element and the mirror can warm quicker, or should I keep the cooler/dryer air trapped in there?
 - How can I really tell when the condensation is sufficiently cleared?
 - How do you tell an animal to hold that pose will waiting? :)

(This related question, [How do I prevent condensation...][1], is about condensation developing over time.)

  [1]: http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/11288/how-do-i-prevent-condensation-on-a-lens-when-outdoors