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How can I trigger video via remote? [closed]

I recently began using a Zhiyun crane with my Nikon D750 and I am trying to find out if it is possible to focus the camera and/or trigger the video on the camera by means of a remote control. As it ...
forrest's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can I tether a camera programmatically? [duplicate]

How can I tether a camera to my computer and issue it commands? What is the cheapest camera I could buy that would allow me this functionality? Is it possible to use java and/or a batch file to do so? ...
user1048917's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Record Videos Directly To The Computer [closed]

I have a Canon 60D and all those programs that come with it installed on my Macbook Pro, so I want to know if there is any way to record videos with it and store them directly on the computer using ...
Nathan Campos's user avatar