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Questions tagged [subject-positioning]

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2 answers

What would be the optimal distance of the object from the lense given the camera spec

I am not a photography expert hence i would like for some advice. The camera im using is a small camera that will be taking pictures of an object at a fixed point, my problem is identifying where this ...
DrakeJest's user avatar
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3 answers

How to identify main subject of the photo and set focus?

I am using Nikon D5600. While on street photo shoot, I clicked a couple of photos and submitted on one of the stock photo website. Few photos got approved whereas few were rejected with a comment. ...
RKh's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I align my camera with a very thin object?

I am trying to take pictures of a fluid interface touching a thin plate. This plate is 0.01 inch thick and 3 inches wide. I've included a sample image below. Is there a good way to align my camera ...
Ragnar's user avatar
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1 answer

Scrum photo technique

I remember seeing some photos taken of children which had been staged by getting the kids to form a rugby scrum - all in a circle with arms around each others shoulder and leaning in to look at the ...
codecowboy's user avatar
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3 answers

Subject alongside, at the intersection or inside lines in composition rules?

I have been reading different articles on photo composition. These discuss rules of thirds, triangles, and golden ratio, each suggesting different and contradicting approaches. Some of them say to ...
Pablo's user avatar
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How can I make my beach shots more interesting?

I like to visit beaches on my vacation, so I always come back with shots of the shore and sand. They always turn out quite boring, and I'm not sure what they are missing generally speaking to really ...
dpollitt's user avatar
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3 answers

When taking a picture, where should the horizon be?

I know and understand the rule of thirds, but I would like to know, when taking a picture of something such as a tree, should the horizon be positioned on the top or bottom third line?
J. Walker's user avatar
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4 answers

When is it OK to place the subject in the middle of a picture?

When is it OK to place the subject in the middle of a picture? I took this picture and feel very compelled to put the subject in the centre rather than on the sides.
Viv's user avatar
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