Questions tagged [shot-to-shot-time]

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How do I take a time-lapse on a Nikon D7100?

How can I take a time-lapse of more than ten shots on my Nikon D7100?
Zangar's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Why are mirrorless cameras much slower than DSLRs?

This is a follow-up to a previous question that I made regarding a specific camera (K-01). I've been comparing cycle times (or shot to shot times in single shot mode) of mirrorless cameras with ...
fortran's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why shot-to-shot time is much slower than the max FPS in burst mode?

I found that some cameras (in particular my Pentax K-01 and Fuji X10) have a decent burst speed (around 6fps in JPEG before it starts buffering and slows down) but when operating in single shot mode ...
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