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Questions tagged [shaped-bokeh]

Shaped Bokeh refers the shape of the bokeh(out-of-focus areas of a photograph).

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2 answers

Cause of bokeh with dark ring and bright center

This is a detail from a photo that I took with a Fujifilm XF55-200mm lens. The lens was zoomed all the way to 200mm, and the aperture was wide open—f4.8. I wonder whether somebody knows the cause of ...
Solomon Slow's user avatar
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What are the underlying causes of artifacts seen with anamorphic lenses?

When a camera with an anamorphic lens shows some artifacts, they are usually either an oval bokeh (vertical) or a lens-flare steak (horizontal). How much of these artifacts are due to the "anamorphic ...
Frezzley's user avatar
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2 answers

Besides mirror lenses, what can cause ring-shaped bokeh?

A couple of images in a question about how to create a 'medieval look' appear to have ring-shaped bokeh. Catadioptric (mirror) lenses can cause similarly shaped bokeh, but these images do not look ...
xiota's user avatar
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How to do smoky bokeh

How is this effect achieved? Possible ideas: This is just "painted" in photoshop A custom shaped aperture is used Original image by Frederic Gombert
Paolo's user avatar
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Why doesn't shaped bokeh work on compact cameras?

As seen in this video, a shaped hole cut out of a black material will yield bokeh that takes the hole's shape when placed in front of the lens. But when I tried that on my compact camera the paper ...
user152435's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I use a shaped bokeh filter with a mobile phone camera?

I have found this interesting way to make pictures bokeh filter for camera but I am wondering if it is possible to achieve the same just using a mobile camera. I have tried to overlap something in ...
MeV's user avatar
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What's the technical explanation for custom bokeh shapes? [duplicate]

Simply putting a heart shaped cut-out in front of the lens turns this into this How does that happen? What's the optics behind this phenomenon?
kBisla's user avatar
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Can I make custom bokeh shape using a 18-55mm Nikkor lens?

Custom bokeh shapes need a large aperture. The max aperture my lens can reach is f3.5. Is it big enough for a custom bokeh? I tried but it doesn't work.
kBisla's user avatar
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Why is the bokeh shaped like the aperture?

Why is the bokeh shaped like the aperture? What is the physical explanation to this?
Hugo's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the diameter of the lens' aperture in mm terms?

I'm planning to create a customized aperture effect. Like this one in the Photo. I'll be doing a DIY customized aperture that will be attached to the filter. My lens' widest aperture is F/1.8 and ...
Jez'r 570's user avatar
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Does number of elements and groups of lens affect bokeh shape? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What about lens construction influences bokeh? Does the circular or hexagonal shape of the bokeh depends on the number of elements and groups of the lens?? If not then how do ...
vivek_jonam's user avatar
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Why am I getting a "frame" in my picture when I made my own shaped bokeh?

I have tried to play with the shaped bokeh trick, by following the instruction at DIY - Create Your Own Bokeh. I am using a M4/3 camera with its kit lens, which is 14-42mm f3.5-f5.6. I shot at 14mm ...
Victor's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I avoid vignetting when shooting through a cut-out for shaped bokeh?

I used a 18mm-50mm lens at f/3.5, with a card with a cut-out heart shape of about 4mm. I got the shaped bokeh effect, but the outer side of image is dark due to the card. How do I avoid this and ...
Thunder's user avatar
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What size hole do I use to make differently shaped bokeh?

This is my question in one huge breath: What would be the correct size of an elliptic bokeh filter be to create a fake anamorphic distorted bokeh effect with a regular Canon 50mm f/1.8 II lens with a ...
user avatar
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How do I get shaped bokeh without a Lensbaby?

Is there a good hardware solution for generating shaped bokeh? I know Lensbaby has a set of filters that give various shapes — is there a similar solution for other lens?
beggs's user avatar
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