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Questions tagged [raw-vs-jpeg]

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310 votes
16 answers

Good examples of RAW's advantages over JPEG?

I'm curious to see some real examples of where simply capturing the same photo in RAW (and being processed by someone who can do it justice) has significantly improved the photo at the end of the ...
Nick Bedford's user avatar
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45 votes
14 answers

What are the pros and cons when shooting in RAW vs JPEG?

In general shooting in RAW format uses a lot more file storage than JPEG. What am I gaining when shooting RAW? Besides file size are there any downsides to shooting RAW?
jessegavin's user avatar
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32 votes
8 answers

Why can I adjust the white balance of a RAW file but not a JPEG file?

I recently started setting my DSLR to save RAW files, and using Adobe Lightroom to process them. I still, however, use my little point and shoot camera a lot which does not have an option to save RAW ...
Eric's user avatar
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19 votes
11 answers

Why use JPEG instead of RAW?

Why would a photographer want to capture images using the JPEG format over an available RAW format? The obvious argument is memory card storage, but assume that my available memory card storage is ...
dpollitt's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Why can software correct white balance more accurately for RAW files than it can with JPEGs?

Why are post-processing JPEG white balance corrections not as accurate as white balance with Raw? My understanding is that when shooting jpeg the camera internally does the following steps: Convert ...
skyde's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Given an image how to identify whether it is RAW file or not

I'm a much like beginner level, so pardon me if this is a very basic silly question. Once I've a JPEG photograph image file, how can I find out whether it is a RAW file or not?
Temp O'rary's user avatar
11 votes
8 answers

Raw vs Jpeg for non-professional use [duplicate]

I am not a professional photographer, I am just taking pictures as a hobby. I take portraits, landscapes, and some wedding pictures. I am using a Nikon D750 camera, should I be shooting in jpeg fine ...
Vicky's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Is there a reason for raw over jpeg if you have your lighting figured out?

I hired a photographer for an event, and he says he doesn't shoot raw because he has his lighting (white balance and exposure) all figured out. Are there any other reasons why a pro should shoot in ...
Pastel's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Does shooting RAW vs JPEG have a significant effect on battery life?

Does shooting RAW vs JPEG have a significant effect on battery life (i.e. > 10% in the number of shots that can be taken)? Has anyone done controlled tests on this? JPEG means more processing, RAW ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Which has a faster write time: RAW or JPEG?

My question is about the write times of the RAW and JPEG file formats. A RAW file is larger than a JPEG and needs more time to write to the memory but it does not need to spend time on data ...
Phil's user avatar
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6 votes
10 answers

Why are photos on my Nikon D3200 brighter on the LCD screen than on my computer?

When I snap a picture on my camera, in RAW+JPEG FINE mode, the camera shows me a bright photo, but when I watch it on my computer it becomes darker (less bright than on camera). It's not a software ...
auino's user avatar
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5 votes
8 answers

My mentor says to set image to Fine instead of RAW — how is this different from JPG?

So far, I have heard of one reason to have the camera save images as RAW instead of anything else. JPEG is a lossy form of image data and so I always thought it made sense to save the image data as is ...
perennial_noob's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How exactly is the deeper bit-depth of RAW mapped onto JPEG and the display?

I am trying to understand RAW better. I have a Canon EOS 20D, and shoot in RAW+Jpeg mode. According to the specs in the manual, the RAWs of the 20D are 12 Bit. I understand that this means each pixel ...
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What are the theoretical advantages of RAW beyond bit depth?

I knew of the practical advantages of RAW over JPEG even before I searched the site and found what seems to be the canonical question. Yes, the processed images look better. But when I tried to ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there are any difference in quality between Large Fine JPG and converted NEF?

Assume that I do not want to do any post-processing, such as white balancing, etc. I would like to preserve the best resolution (for possible cropping). So the question is: Are there any quality ...
yura's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why is my Canon Raw preview a much smaller filesize than high-quality large, despite little difference in image?

I have a Canon Rebel T5. I can shoot in RAW or RAW+JPEG. When I shoot in the latter, it stores both a preview with the RAW file, as well as the JPEG. I've been using Digikam to manipulate my photos, ...
Wayne Werner's user avatar
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2 answers

Should I shoot in RAW format to get lighter and sharper images?

Most of the time I have problem with the lightning of my images even after post processing with Adobe Photoshop. I searched the net and I found that people use the RAW format instead of jpg. Do I need ...
Emu's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

When shooting RAW + JPEG , is there a way to delete the raw files without deleting the corresponding JPEG, without having to hook it up to PC/laptop?

I am using a Nikon D5600, and many times i am shooting in situations where i do not have a laptop/pc handy. I want to be able to see in camera all the photos i have taken. This needs JPEG as, all RAW ...
silverrahul's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Is there any benefit to RAW+JPG being two separate files on Nikon?

Using Nikon D5500 & Nikon ViewNX-i When I first started taking photos I saved as JPG. After less than a month, received wisdom told me RAW was going to be a better, if larger, option & I've ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why does my camera record a .JPG image and .NEF image on my memory card? [duplicate]

When I looked my photos in my computer, two images appeared. One is a JPG image and another one is a NEF image. I'd already formatted my memory card but there's no change at all. What should I do? The ...
user21440's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

How do you identify a RAW or JPEG image within Lightroom 3?

I usually shoot RAW photos. Once in a while I will switch back to JPEG. Is there a way to identify which photos are RAW in Lightroom library and such?
user8798's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Why do I get noisy results when converting from raw to jpeg?

I am using ACDSee Photo Studio Professional 2019 and shooting with a Canon 80D (storing raw+jpeg files from the camera). In the past I've shot mostly jpeg files and fine-tuned them in ACDSee with ...
jmbouffard's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to get consistent white balance across a group of JPEG images using darktable?

I have about 7 photos, showing of the same place. Walls are white. Each picture has a different white tone for the walls and I would like to adjust all the walls, preferably automatically! How can I ...
1213's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Should I use RAW or JPEG for wedding photography?

I am about to shoot in a wedding ceremony and would like to know, Should I shoot in RAW or JPEG? I asked a photographer (outside the US) and he said converting RAW into JPG changes color (or ...
TheTechGuy's user avatar
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3 answers

Can work with RAW to be the next step for the development? [duplicate]

I am amateur photographer and I don't plan any variants commercial use of my photos. But I want to evolve to take better pictures. I started from the purchase of the camera Sony Nex-5 (with KIT-lens ...
w.hrybok's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why RAW and JPEG look the same?

I recently bought a canon m100. I shoot both raw + jpeg but they look exactly the same. The only difference is the file size. Aren't raw photos supposed to have less contrast etc? I've tried to view ...
NoahS's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why are my photographs saving as UNADJUSTEDNONRAW?

I am currently studying photography at sixth form and have recently done a few photoshoots with my Nikon D5300. Instead of uploading my photos at school onto the school system, I download them onto my ...
India Knowlson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Edit in RAW not as good as the Jpeg

I take most of my pictures on mobile, and I use mostly jpeg for the convenience, but I sometimes use RAW because of annoying whites blowout, bizarre clouds or unreal colors. For instance, my sunset ...
Raphael Chioratto Gonçalves's user avatar
1 vote
7 answers

Which is more efficient when shooting weddings: interpolating sRAW or shooting in jpeg?

What would you choose, if you were to, between shooting in sRAW (hence, sacrificing MP but retaining a lot more color and detail) and shooting in JPG, doing justice to the Megapixel count while giving ...
Rish's user avatar
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6 answers

Do RAW files really allow more RAW dynamic range than shooting in JPG?

I've heard a lot of time people saying that shooting in RAW offers a better dynamic range than shooting in JPG. But in some way I've always felt it as hard to believe. So, the question is: there is ...
Revious's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

What are the pros and cons of deleting all of my archived RAW files?

I've been shooting RAW+JPEG for years, but about the only time I use the RAW files is to play around with RAW processing techniques. For everything else, I use the JPEGs. I have several multi-TB hard ...
xiota's user avatar
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1 answer

Raw is larger and softer than JPG

Here is a JPG image (unprocessed) followed by the corresponding DNG that I post-processed in Photivo/GIMP. (Canon Powershot SD750) Flip between the two images in Chrome. Why is the raw image slightly ...
Simon Kuang's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why does the chart for my Canon 77D show more photos saved with RAW + JPEG than it does for RAW alone?

so since my camera saves my photos automatically in JPEG and since I wanted to have a RAW version of them I looked for some info about this topic and how it works on my DSLR, Canon 77D. I stumbled ...
musicinmyheart's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Photo noise level in RAW format [duplicate]

Why is the noise level of raw photos higher than jpeg photos? I have encountered this issue several times.
Merlin's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

What's the simplest way to convert camera raw to jpeg?

My camera quality was set to raw and I didn't realize. What's the simplest way to access these images or convert them to a jpeg? I have a lot of pictures to sort through for Instagram. Downloading ...
harvard's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What Linux software might deliver a better default rendering of a Nokia 1020 dng file than an old version of darktable?

I wanted to migrate from windows(lightroom) to Linux (Darktable) for several reasons, I've got a Nikon D3100 as my main camera, I haven't had problems with .NEF files, but today I tried to edit one of ...
Cesar Alejandro Villegas Yepez's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Determine exact in-camera processing done by Nikon Z6 when saving JPEGs

Is it possible? If I look at the complete EXIF data (well, I assume it is complete — on Linux command-line, I run exif DSC_xxxx.JPG), it shows things like: ...
Cal-linux's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

RAW in ACR vs JPG in ACR

Photoshop has now given the facility to open and edit JPEGs and other non-RAW file formats using Adobe Camera Raw. One doesn't have to shoot RAWs to do some heavy edits. So is there still any benefit ...
user152435's user avatar
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2 answers

Raw versus JPG Images with a DSLR [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What are the pros and cons when shooting in raw vs JPEG? For typical family photos, with a Nikon D5100 DSLR, is there any reason to shoot RAW images rather than the highest ...
justingordon's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why are my picture not as sharp when shot RAW as when saved as JPEG [duplicate]

Newbie question here. I shot an image in low light in jpeg format and it's crisp, but when I shoot raw in plain day at 1/125, my image looks blurry most of the time. Unless I max out the sharpness ...
Emile Papillon-Corbeil's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

JPEG vs RAW - how big is the difference [duplicate]

I've read some of the questions and answers on here but they are all years old. (some of them over 10 years ago) In this day and age, is there still a significant difference in quality of the image ...
Capture Cars's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is a RAW-only camera economically justified? [closed]

Is a digital camera which could only take RAW images economically justified? considering that RAW files may need less in-camera processing.
Omne's user avatar
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