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Renaming pictures - Best Practices

What are the most frequent and effective Best Practices to correctly rename personal pictures, maybe grounded on official documentation? For instance, a possible solution is to rename pictures using ...
HyPhens's user avatar
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1 answer

Does Adobe Bridge 2024 support the HEIC format?

Does Adobe Bridge 2024 support the HEIC format? I wasn't able to find that seemingly easy piece of information online. My photo collection contains HEIC images and I'd like to browse them without ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Adobe Bridge adds metadata to JPG as a sidecar XMP instead of writing it on the JPG file

Using the latest Adobe Bridge 2024 (v.14.1.0) I have encountered an annoying bug recently. When I modify the metadata (such as tags, rating etc) of some JPEG files, instead of writing the changes on ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Nikon file formats

I've been working with NX2 for a long time, and now I downloaded NX Studio. To my supprice the programme only accepts NCP, NP2 and NP3 file input. There is no way I can get the programme accepting my ...
Kjell Johnsson's user avatar
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Can I use a CFast 1 card reader to read a CFast 2.0 memory card?

CFast 1 uses the SATA II interface while CFast 2.0 uses the new(er) SATA III interface. SATA III is backwards compatible with SATA II but does that mean I can use a CFast 1 card reader to read a CFast ...
U.B's user avatar
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How do I automatically relocate 10k Lightroom photos that only exist in "ghost folders?"

I have a large Lightroom catalog containing ~20k culled and edited photos. Each set of related photos (usually around 50-200 photos) exists in a parent folder, which I'll call the "event folder.&...
Skeleton Bow's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I set the preserved filename with exiftool only on the first time?

Context While organizing my pictures I typically use many operations of exiftool to adjust date/time, rename the file, bulk add GPS locations, add creator names etc. In this process, each JPG image is ...
Philip Daubmeier's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How does digikam identify/track photos?

I want to keep my metadata in the digikam database (only), i.e. not write it to the EXIF data. However, I'm afraid that if I rename photo files or move them to a different folder, digikam won't be ...
balu's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to compile the dates when media files were created and modified before back-up?

How to automatically compile and index the following Windows properties for a batch of photo and video files (grouped across different folders per event) into one nice text-based document or table ...
user610620's user avatar
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.dtrash folder in digiKam

I've just started using digiKam on Windows for my photo management software. In the root folder where I keep my files (Picture) is a folder, .dtrash\files, that has ...
empty's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Tool for finding original RAW files to already organized jpeg files

Problem description Hi photography community, as a hobby photographer I organize quite a lot of photos for my family and friends. I have a lightroom library of around 90k photos that accumulated over ...
Philip Daubmeier's user avatar
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Can exiftool move images to folders, based on a timestamp?

Can Exiftool move files that have same timestamp (up to the second) to one folder? I was taking pictures with exposure bracketing in sets of 3, so they have same-second timestamps. I want to split my ...
MikaAdams's user avatar
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3 answers

Implementing a mobile editing workflow

I am an amateur photographer, and I recently bought an iPad that I want to use for photo editing. Many times, a big barrier to get to organize and edit my photos is my clunky workflow. I'd like to ...
Sunyatasattva's user avatar
2 votes
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Darktable: How to edit the same image as multiple different edit versions?

In Darktable, you can only import the same image once as image.jpg for example. What if we would like to work on and make multiple edited versions of image.jpg instead, and produce multiple different ...
user610620's user avatar
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Photo management software (feat. map, calendar, object identification, favorites, screensaver, etc.) [closed]

As much as I have searched online, I can't seem to find a proper standalone photo management software that includes the following features: A map view, where the pictures can be located on a world ...
jlnkls's user avatar
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3 answers

Standard format for "ordered list of pictures"

Sorry, if I don't get the terminology correct. Newbie question. I'm finally getting around organizing the family pictures (a few 10s of thousands) and I'm trying to do this in the most compatible and ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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Stack photos on hard drive like Lightroom Classig does [duplicate]

Lightroom has following feature for files loaded into its work environment. Automatically stack photos by capture time Lightroom Classic can automatically stack photos in a folder or a collection ...
LilBro's user avatar
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2 answers

How to save Darktable edits as a file?

Darktable is a non-destructive photo editor that exports to jpeg, png and .xcf (whatever that is, but seems to be the Gimp file format), but doesn't save a workfile containing all the individual ...
user610620's user avatar
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How to back-up photos on 2 external hard drives and retain photo creation date?

As shown in the set-up diagram below, I would like to offload photos from an external hard drive A to external hard drive B so that if one fails, they're not all lost, since all moved photos aren't ...
user610620's user avatar
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Copying all photos with EXIF Rating >= 4 using ExifTool

I have used EXIF's Rating interval for ranking photos in my collection. My photo collection is organized in directories in the form ...
Kristian's user avatar
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Lightroom: Change location of PSD files

Is it somehow possible to move PSDs into a separate folder or to a different location besides next to the original image? When I open an image from Lightroom into Photoshop and save that file, a .psd ...
skarpeta's user avatar
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What's a good Lightroom Alternative that sorts images by dimensions and aspect ratios?

I'm a freelancer that just got a job editing images for video games that will later be used to post on the Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Marketplaces. I'm trying to maximize my efficiency, and one ...
Jeremy McCloud's user avatar
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When shooting RAW + JPEG , is there a way to delete the raw files without deleting the corresponding JPEG, without having to hook it up to PC/laptop?

I am using a Nikon D5600, and many times i am shooting in situations where i do not have a laptop/pc handy. I want to be able to see in camera all the photos i have taken. This needs JPEG as, all RAW ...
silverrahul's user avatar
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is there photo management software that includes tagging and fuzzy dates?

I've been scanning family photographs and am looking for a way to organize them. I'd like to set them up in photo organization software where i can set tags and add dates. Preferably, I'd like the ...
joey jones's user avatar
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How to "manually" sort items in Digikam

Digikam includes the option to sort files in an album by "manual and name" or "manual and date." However, I haven't been able to find any way to "manually" reorder files. ...
eigenhector's user avatar
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Why did I lose my NEF files, and could only find small JPEGs in their place in the Recycle Bin?

All of a sudden lots of my NEF files were gone. After finding them in the recycle bin they turned out to be NEF jpg. files... Yes, both! and only 72 dpi, sometimes not more then 88 kb. I have no idea ...
Astrid's user avatar
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Family Photos System Strategies

I'm sure folks here have a good approach to photo storage/processing and backup. I'm a dad with 4 kids and lots of family photos. I had my first digital camera in 1996 and have pictures stretching ...
bonhoffer's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I rename a large set of photos using their modified date?

My problem is a little bit different from the other that I've seen here. The thing is that I have for example: DSCF0001, DSCF0002 and so on, as filenames with modified dates 2020/01/01 , 2020/01/02 (...
Rodrigo Miyamoto's user avatar
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Converting old photos to JPEGs in Lightroom?

This is a question about photo management in Lightroom Classic - I pretty much know what I'd like to achieve, but I'm bit uneasy to experiment, knowing how flimsy and buggy LR can be. As such, I'm ...
yacoob's user avatar
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Deleting photos in Lightroom

I have taken a few months worth of photos, imported them into Lightroom so that all the photos of a given day are in a folder, and edited a small fraction of the photos. My drive is filling up, so I ...
Ross Millikan's user avatar
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How to find photos that do not have any keywords assigned to them in Adobe Bridge?

I'm trying to organize my archive using Adobe Bridge. In one step I messed and moved some untagged photos to another folder that all its photos are already tagged. These photos are parts of my ...
Bahar's user avatar
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Why is my lightroom volume split into two entries?

I'm using Lightroom Classic 8.4.1, but this problem also appears in version 7. I'm on a Mac running the most-recent version of Mojave due to stability concerns with Catalina. My photo collection ...
Splincher's user avatar
9 votes
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Photo organisation and archiving in a household with multiple devices

I freely admit that this has probably been asked a million times, but I'm going mad so sorry I'll ask it again. Situation My situation is drawn in below graph: link to graphviz code My wife and I ...
JamesB's user avatar
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Metadata "keywords" or "descriptions" for non-controlled-vocabulary search terms?

I have a bunch of unorganized scanned family photos. I want to add metadata to make them more searchable. I thought I'd mostly use the IPTC keyword field (because ...
Sam's user avatar
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Move unpicked (not in a collection) files in Lightroom to backup drive

So I can easily create a smart collection of files that I didn't put into a collection, and that collection includes 90-95% of the photos in my catalog. I was wondering if I can leverage that ...
0pt1m1z3's user avatar
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pyRenamer does not rename some Huawei P20 images

I'm using pyRenamer for many years without problems. Now I have some images from Huawei P20 camera and pyRenamer does not rename approx. 10% of the images. Instead of Date and Time, I get underline ...
Peter's user avatar
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3 answers

Event Photography, Online Password Protect Each Photo

I am not sure of any other way to give each client their digital copy right away while still at the event. I have been hired to do several events next month. I will be photographing a hundred or so ...
Miss Curious's user avatar
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Organize photos for many overlapping projects

I am working with a larger collection of photographs (~10,000) for my PhD thesis (in biology) and I am currently struggling with the organization of these. Sorry, if this question is in the wrong ...
bamphe's user avatar
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What open and free software to use to manage large collection of photos?

What is the best software to manage photos? I know this is a question which has been asked in the past, but I want to add two constraints: Open format. If in 50 years someone wants to look at the ...
Martin's user avatar
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exiftool - rename using model only - not maker

I want to rename my files to include the camera model, but the full tag includes the make as well. ...
RadOD's user avatar
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28 votes
6 answers

How can I rename files to match their EXIF "created date"?

I have around 3000 jpeg photos all with names like "DSC_0596". The metadata has the date the photo was created, which would be much more useful. Is there a way to ...
Simon Meade's user avatar
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How can I share and edit images in my library across multiple devices with Lightroom Classic CC 2019?

I'm pretty new to Lightroom Classic CC. I've used Lightroom CC for some time and this wasn't an issue, because the images were stored in the Creative Cloud. However for some reasons I've decided to ...
adamasan's user avatar
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Is there a way to determine if two photos are identical, ignoring relative differences in image sizes?

Is there a reliable way to determine if two or more photos are the same, regardless of relative image size differences?
Paulo Matos's user avatar
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4 answers

What's the best way to share photos with a client?

I found some answers here, but they seem a bit dated (thus I'd argue this isn't a duplicate). Currently, I create a private gallery on my website where I post the finished images, but the website ...
Engineero's user avatar
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How to handle RAW file storage across devices in Lightroom?

The Issue I'm trying to figure out if there is an established way of managing RAW files across devices when using Lightroom. I am aware of Lightroom's cloud sync, but unless I'm misunderstanding how ...
Will Appleby's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

How can I delete files previously removed from Darktable?

I've been removing unwanted images from Darktable by pressing the Del key. I just learned that this isn't deleting the images from my hard drive, only removing ...
Kerry's user avatar
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2 answers

Sharing rating between Digikam and Rawtherapee

I've been using Rawtherapee for post processing for a short while, and, even though I've been able to adapt well my workflow to it, I've found that having to look through most of the photos I took ...
Neuromante's user avatar
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Add EXIF rating to NEF file

I shoot with a Nikon in RAW, which creates Nikon's NEF files. I wanted to rate these (from 1-5). Currently I use ApolloOne on macOS (due to its performance and ability to view both JPEG and RAW files ...
Skeleton Bow's user avatar
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Finding photos taken in class

I'm trying to organize my photographs by day of week and time of day taken. For example, if I have a math class from 10:00AM-12:00PM every Monday and Wednesday, I want to move photos taken in that ...
wizlog's user avatar
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What is a resolution unit?

Please note, I'm not asking what resolution is! I've processed a raw image and exported from Photoshop, and I've just noticed something in the image details that I've never seen before (I don't think)...
AutoBaker's user avatar
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