Questions tagged [noblex]

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8 votes
4 answers

Why is there a straight line across each 35mm photo (taken with Noblex swing lens panoramic)?

Would love any insight to this line across each photo from a roll of 35mm film taken with my new (used) Noblex Pro Sport. The line appears at the same height on each and every photo, but is brighter/...
adrian-noblex's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Noblex 150/U. early model serial # 002 816 filters, lens shift

I am starting to use the Noblex 150/U I purchased a few years ago. Learning slowly all of the intricacies not explained in the manual. I have the original printed manual for the model. Seems fairly ...
Tom Winter's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to install a filter (or remove one) in a Noblex camera without wasting/exposing film?

Noblex rotating-lens panoramic cameras have the lens inside a drum, which rotates to take a photo, recording a ~130° angle of view on film. Because the lens is inside this rotating drum, there is a ...
osullic's user avatar
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