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Questions tagged [night-photography]

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Stack Drone Images like in Astro photography, but all with all RGB channels

My Problem I am looking for a way, to do image preprocessing similar to astro photography, but with all RGB channels and without aligning and stacking in astro-software. I would like to do the ...
user406482's user avatar
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How can I take a good picture of the moon with a phone camera?

With my iPhone 8+, how do I take a picture of the moon without it looking like either a big white blurry blob or like I took a pic of a mirror with the flash on?
bettyc0cker's user avatar
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Simple image alignment tool for noisy images

Is there an tool to automatically align hand-held images so that I can stack them? Old Sony compact camera I have could take multiple short exposures and stack them using onboard processor to reduce ...
user224348's user avatar
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Nikon always says subject too dark when taking night pics

I have a Nikon D3300 and am trying to take night sky pics. I watched a YouTube video of a guy using the exact camera and doing it. I set mine to manual and all the exact settings and have it on a ...
Rob's user avatar
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