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Light reflections with filter stacking

I typically use multiple filters when doing long exposure. Assuming light leaks from the sides are taken care off with proper sealing, could there be light bouncing back and forth between the ...
zzzbbx's user avatar
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Cheaper alternative to OEM hoods for long exposure filters

I've got several Lee filters with holder by the manufacturer. I'm looking for a hood, but the one sold by Lee is very expensive. Did anybody find a cheaper alternative?
zzzbbx's user avatar
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How do I white balance for B&W with Lee filters?

I am a B&W newbie....I'm using an X-T2 and the Lee 100mm polyester filter B&W set; I'm shooting in RAW. Let's assume I am using the green filter. Shooting: Do I do a custom WB before the ...
Tampa's user avatar
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Why do i get Lens reflection in final photo with Lee Nd filter super stopper 15 stops

Why do i get Lens reflection in final photo with Lee Nd filter super stopper 15 stops 100x100mm I have attached photos of final picture and the set up i am using a 77mm adpater ring and holder Lens-...
Ryan's user avatar
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What are the different use cases for medium- and hard-transition graduated ND filters?

I already own a Lee Little Stopper for the 100mm System and I am extremely happy about Lee's quality. I am planning to buy one or two graduated filters (0.6 and 0.9), but I am not sure whether to opt ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Filter systems and adapter size [duplicate]

I want to purchase an ND filter and ND grad filters for my cameras. For lack of better terminology, I want the square ones. My lens sizes are 67mm and 77mm. I realize that I can use an adapter so ...
Mike's user avatar
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What are the outer dimensions of the adapter rings for Cokin Z/Lee filter holders

I was wondering if someone could tell me the outer diameter of the adapter rings for the Cokin Z or Lee 100mm filter holders. I am trying to adapt a Matte Box that someone has given me, that appears ...
Jason Tan's user avatar
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Did Calumet distribute Lee filters?

Did Calumet distribute Lee filters in the past? There are couple of Lee color correction filters I'm looking at purchasing, but they are in Calumet pouches. I asked the seller and he said that Calumet ...
K'''s user avatar
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ND filters set Recommendation for Lee/Cokin Z-Pro Holder

I currently own the Cokin Z-Pro filter holder (and 77mm adapter) and a Singh Ray Grad Reverse ND filter (100x150mm). The big disadvantage of the Cokin holder is that I cannot use the first slot with ...
Itay Gal's user avatar
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Can I use Cokin filters of Z-Pro version on Lee 100mm system? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Will Cokin-Z and HiTech 100mmx150mm filters fit on a Lee Holder? Can I use Cokin filters of Z-Pro version on Lee 100mm system (I mean thickness)? Lee filters are out of stock, ...
garik's user avatar
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Will Cokin-Z and HiTech 100mmx150mm filters fit on a Lee Holder?

I have a bunch of Cokin Z and HiTech filters. I may be able to get my hands on a Lee Foundation Kit. Would these filters fit into the Lee?
John's user avatar
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Where can I buy sets of Lee ND filters?

I am looking to buy some more Lee ND filters, particularly ND's, but also some Coral's for sunset shots. I'd like to buy whole sets if possible (they usually sell .3, .6, and .9 sets for ND and Coral ...
jrista's user avatar
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What is the highest quality graduated neutral density filter?

I've been trying to find a Lee .9 Hard stop GND since November. Really, November of '09. Adorama, b&h, amazon were all out. I finally found one on amazon through a third party in the beginning ...
reuscam's user avatar
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