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3 votes
3 answers

How can I losslessly extract 2D image from a stereoscopic JPEG?

I have some JPEGs captured from a Nintendo 3DS via Miiverse and would like to optimise them for the web. The images are 2D but stored as a stereoscopic JPEG, so each file ends up containing the same ...
spacer GIF's user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

Is a JPG guaranteed to produce the same pixels?

I know there are plenty of benefits to shooting in RAW, but at the moment it seems that JPG works just fine for me. The file sizes are way smaller, and darktable seems to work just fine with them (...
Wayne Werner's user avatar
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What is the difference between the different ways to export JPEG files from Photoshop?

Photoshop allows you to save the processed image as JPEG in two ways. Save As and Save for web. I have observed that ...
Navaneeth K N's user avatar