Questions tagged [instagram]

A free photo sharing program that allows users to take a photo, apply a digital filter to it and then share it on social networking services.

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21 votes
3 answers

How to I get the Instagram "Lux" effect without using Instagram?

I am kind of fascinated with the new Lux effect of Instagram. I want to "get" the same effect myself, during post processing. This is what I was able to get to, after playing with Levels, Contrast, ...
Nivas's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How can I recreate the Instagram Filter "Slumber"?

I am trying to recreate the Slumber filter of Instagram, but I am stuck at a certain point. Below you can see the Instagram, the original and my edited file. It seems like I am missing one important ...
Josh's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How can I replicate Instagram's "Structure" in Capture One or Photoshop?

I am looking for a way to reliably recreate Instagram's "Structure" effect but can't manage to get it as beautiful as Instagram is doing it. I read that it is mainly a combination of Contrast and ...
patchrail's user avatar
  • 161
1 vote
1 answer

How to recreate Instagram Lux effect in Photoshop [duplicate]

I am just wondering if anyone knows how to recreate the instagram lux effect with photoshop, here is an example of before and after of the lux effect Before Lux After Lux
molleman's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

New photo/video loop app seen on instagram, what is it called?

I saw an brand new iPhone (possibly Android too) Video/Photo app when I was browsing Instagram. Unfortunately I didn't like any of their pictures or their instagram promo page for the app. The app ...
joshmoto's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How can I tell which Instagram filter was used?

I want to know the name of this filter. I think it looks cool. It would be very nice if Instagram said what filters are used in each photo... I like to ...
Lara's user avatar
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