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Questions tagged [image-alignment]

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11 votes
1 answer

Cannot align images with align_image_stack

align_image_stack is free and part of the Hugin tools. However, sometimes aligning images fails, or will give you awkward results - especially in the case of blurry ...
user258532's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

How to auto-align a stack of head shots?

I am working on my own "everyday face" project - taking pictures of myself to combine them in a sequence afterwards. I'm wondering what is the easiest and fastest way to align all pictures so my ...
user40's user avatar
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6 answers

How can I overlay two images exactly by scaling one of them in gimp?

I have two different pictures of the same object, one of which is taken from roughy the same angle but has a different scale and rotation. I want both images to overlap so that the upper one matches ...
janoliver's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How can I align two panoramic images?

I have two panoramas, which are already stitched. They were taken four years apart, of the same town from the same location. I want to align them and show them side by side, so that the viewer can ...
Wu Yongzheng's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to take 2 photos of the same scene and keep them registered

I am attempting to take 2 photos of the same scene with different settings and would like for them to be as aligned as reasonably possible. I'm doing the following to help in that goal: I'm keeping ...
user1118321's user avatar
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How can I make PhotoMerge work with very dark sections?

Recently, I've been experimenting with stitching together images using Photoshop CS4's PhotoMerge feature. It has always work well except for my most recent attempt. This one was at night (which is ...
Paul Cezanne's user avatar
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