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Questions tagged [diffraction]

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8 votes
5 answers

Can the diffraction limit be overcome with superresolution?

As the title says, can the diffraction limit be overcome with superresolution techniques? Or is this the absolute hard limit in optical photography without making special assumptions? If this is the ...
7 votes
6 answers

Does sensor size impact the diffraction limit of a lens?

My understanding of diffraction, is that with a small aperture the 'airy disk' (which I understand is the pattern light from a given direction relative to the lens will form on passing through the ...
3 votes
4 answers

Airy disks and pixel pitch on circle of confusions?

I read in this paper by Toshiba, which is in regards to optics in machine vision, that In machine vision, which processes each pixel of an image sensor at high brightness levels, the permissible ...
69 votes
7 answers

What is a "diffraction limit"?

I've seen the term used, but what is a "diffraction limit", when should I worry about it, and what undesirable effects are a result of it ?
2 votes
3 answers

Is diffraction limited aperture independent of lens?

I have always understood diffraction limited aperture as a property of the camera and its sensor, not of the lens. The camera has a certain sensor size and a certain megapixel count, which together ...
26 votes
4 answers

Do smaller apertures provide more depth of field past the diffraction limit, even if peak sharpness suffers?

In Understanding Exposure (3rd edition, on page 48), Bryan Peterson has what might be called a rant against modern on-line conventional wisdom about diffraction limits. Answers on this web site are ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why does the rainbow change into a green light when zooming using iphone

The rainbow is created with Kikkerland rainbow maker. When zooming with an iPhone the image abruptly changes at 2x zoom to a green light. What is the physics behind this?
0 votes
2 answers

how to find best FX camera to avoid diffraction at small apertures

Long time Nikon user. Looking to capture highest resolution images at smallest apertures possible in order to obtain most depth of field. Have read various scientific writing about diffraction and ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is this just chromatic aberration? Or is something else happening in these photos?

I took these photos with an old Nikon D60, using a 55-200mm f4-5.6 Nikkor lens, with no filters. ISO was set to 200 and aperture was set as open as possible - which suggests to me this might just be ...
8 votes
1 answer

Can deconvolution reverse softness caused by diffraction?

I'm aware that diffraction limits the maximum optical resolution of any lens, especially when stopped down to very small apertures. Some camera manufacturers, such as Pentax and Olympus, have ...
2 votes
2 answers

Sweet Spot on Zoom Lenses on APS-C CMOS sensors?

I have made the conscious decision not to go full-frame on my camera body purchase but to spend the money on top quality 'L' lenses for my Canon 80D. More explicitly, I have the 24-105mm f/4 L and 70-...
0 votes
1 answer

Why does the electronic shutter prone to diffraction?

According to some comparisons I've read between mechanical and electronic shutters, the latter is prone to the diffraction of light, how so?
0 votes
1 answer

How can we calculate effective megapixel loss due to diffraction?

How can we calculate an image's effective megapixel count at each aperture setting, specifically as loss relates to diffraction? Assume that we already know the sensor size, its true megapixel count, ...
7 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between Diffraction Spikes and Lens Flare?

When Googling for lens flare, one often finds images that also include stars (rays / diffraction spikes), like this: What is the difference between diffraction spikes and lens flare and are the two ...
1 vote
3 answers

Is it better to shoot at diffraction limited aperture or sharpest lens aperture?

In the old cameras like Nikon D80 with 10 Megapixel pixel count. The diffraction limited aperture is F/13 but its known that lenses are generally sharpest at the F/8 so it's a no brainer to shoot at F/...
1 vote
1 answer

What does Canon digital lens optimizer (DLO) do exactly?

Recent Canon cameras (example: EOS RP) have a function called Digital Lens Optimizer (DLO). The Canon Digital Photo Professional (DPP) software also has the same DLO feature. Apparently, DLO is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there an online lens diffraction and maximum sharpness table?

I simply want to see an table that lists the lens diffraction limit of each camera. I have came across this well done answer with animated PNG and I realized there i also the perfect sharpness ...
5 votes
1 answer

What kind of lenses with a "slightly different diffraction behaviour" were used in "large format photography in the 1980s"?

Referring to an interview with a lens expert (Krolop&Gerst Objektivreihe 17/32), discussing diffraction limits. "Es gibt ein paar Spezialobjektive die haben ein bisschen anderes Beugungsverhalten,...
5 votes
4 answers

Are there any lenses have smaller apertures than f/32?

While most photographers prefer fast lenses that range down to f/1.2, are there any lenses that go smaller than f/32? If there are, what is so special about those lenses that an aperture of f/32 ...
10 votes
5 answers

Circular polarizer works great at shorter focal lengths, but significantly degrades the image at longer lengths. Why?

I bought a cheap CP recently to play around with, and noticed an interesting phenomenon: Using it with my 24mm lens on full-frame, images turn out tack-sharp - there is hardly any difference in ...
25 votes
4 answers

Do very short shutter speeds result in diffraction?

I'm curious if very short exposure times (say 1/8000 or even 1/16000) would cause noticeable blur due to diffraction. To achieve very fast shutter speeds focal-plane shutters start to close the ...
7 votes
5 answers

Unable to get sharp landscape picture

I'm facing often the same kind of trouble when taking landscape pictures... I end up with a picture that could be great but that is totally not sharp ! Example : I set up the maximal focal distance ...
14 votes
1 answer

Does focal length affect diffraction, in addition to aperture?

The reason I ask is that f/18 on a 24mm lens = 1.5mm, and f/18 on a 180mm lens = 10mm. I thought diffraction is due to the small physical size of the aperture, rather than the f-ratio, yet I only ever ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the Nikon D3200's diffraction limit?

I'm new to the world of macro so do bear with me! I shoot pictures of fish through aquariums, so normally this means the lens is always perpendicular to the glass surface to avoid blurring. However ...
1 vote
3 answers

How does sensor size impact depth of field and diffraction for macro photography?

Macro photographers often stop down to very small apertures to maximize the razor thin depth of field when operating at such close focus distances. Smaller sensors have greater depth of field than ...
2 votes
2 answers

Haida ND 3.0 (10 stops) filter issue or normal blur?

Yesterday I had a chance to try for the first time the Haida ND 3.0 filter I bought on Amazon with my filter holder. This is this filter: Haida ND 3.0 HD2505D:
4 votes
1 answer

Does increased resolution compensate for diffraction?

Given a sensor size, the diffraction limit (and cut-off) are determined largely (entirely?) by the density of pixels on the sensor. With the trend of ever-increasing megapixel counts, this means that ...
6 votes
3 answers

Is there any way starburst diffractions could be captured with a fixed f/2 smartphone lens? [closed]

There's been some controversy surrounding the publicity camera samples for Nokia's new flagship smartphone, the Lumia 920. First it was shown (and admitted by Nokia) that the stabilised video footage ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is diffraction an issue with macro lenses?

I'm looking to try out macro photography and have a rental of the Canon 100mm 2.8L IS and the MT-24EX flash to try out on my Canon 7D. I've been reading that with the flash, you can stop down to ...