Questions tagged [developing]

The chemical process by which the latent image on exposed film is turned into a visible image.

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Minolta XE-7 shooting Ilford Delta 400 B&W 35mm. Film came out clear, save for about 5 decent exposures

I just bought a Minolta xe-7, shot my first roll and developed it at home. The result was a roll of film that came out almost completely clear except for the fist several exposures on the roll and a ...
nolangonyea's user avatar
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Troubleshooting developing Portra 800

I just performed a shoot with a single roll of Portra 800, new from amazon, in date. Developed using correct times with replenished fuji C-41 chemistry in a jobo 1500 tank. I metered the film at ISO ...
semmeess's user avatar
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Scanned film show bright border around the edge

My scan result (using the Epson 600, the film is Fuji Pro H 400, not expired) showed the top and bottom of the film strip significantly brighter than the middle: And here is a more extreme example: ...
Amarth Gûl's user avatar
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Blocky marks on colour negatives

I've recently started developing my own colour film with the Tetenal C-41 kit. After scanning with my Epson V600 I've noticed that some of my frames have these blocky marks on them (see a few that I'...
Alex Rozanski's user avatar
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Developing with Caffenol

My first roll of 120 Ilford 400 developed with caffenol. 9 minutes of development time as indicated at Image is weak, there is no clear areas in the image, and the overall film is still ...
Studio 2-B's user avatar
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Distinction between X-ray damage and improper handling during development

I finished processing a roll of Fomapan 100 (using df96) and found some of the frames had vertical stripes (perpendicular to the film's moving direction in the camera): (The scan was done using the ...
Amarth Gûl's user avatar