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How do I give my photos the same dreamlike effect as this photographer?

I've always found this photographer's images very intriguing and have recently been curious as to how she took and/or edited them. Can you explain how this effect would be achieved via both of these ...
user41848's user avatar
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What's the balance of highlights, shadows, lights, and darks in this photo?

I would love to give my photos a dreamy effect like this. I can see there's some clarity reduction; what, in terms of highlights, shadows, lights, and darks, would the lighting look like? For instance,...
Ladyfingers's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between adding contrast and simultaneously darkening highlights and brightening shadows in Lightroom?

In Lightroom 4, when editing a RAW file, what's the difference (if any) between the following edits: A). +30 Contrast Or B). -30 Highlights, +30 Shadows. Do these do the same thing?
Eric B's user avatar
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