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Questions tagged [canon-1v]

A flagship 35mm SLR from Canon's EOS series, released in 2000.

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What is causing a white stripe on top of some slides taken with my film camera?

I am using slide film in a Canon EOS 1V and I recently discovered that some of my pictures turn out to have a white stripe on top of the frame, e.g. in these ones: What I find weird is that only ...
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4 votes
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Is evaluative metering linked to multiple focus points?

This question is about some slight confusion about evaluative metering on a Canon EOS-1V (and possibly early 1D bodies as well). In the manual, the picture for evaluative metering looks like this: ...
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5 votes
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Canon Eos 1V focusing screen EC-CIV

I recently obtained the EC-CIV focusing screen and I want to use it in the Canon Eos 1V. To get correct metering, the manual states to set the C.Fn-0 as follows: C.Fn-0 should be set to '0' for New ...
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1 vote
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Canon EOS 1V HS doesn't fire Canon EX430 ii or PocketWizard

I've Canon EOS 1V HS, the camera works perfect, only problem is it doesn't fire Canon EX430 ii when it's set in manual mode, it does fire it if I set the flash as TTL. Also it doesn't fire my pocket ...
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EOS-1v not compatible with non EF, manual lenses?

Wondering if I'm lucky enough to bump into an EOS-1v owner here, I'm having problem with non EF lenses on this camera. The question: does 1v work with non-Canon lenses (converted to EF mount) at all? ...
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